Potato Sack Pose - Behind the Scenes
For future clients wanting to know how this pose is safely achieved....
The 2 images in the top left are straight out of the camera and completely unedited. Mum is holding Zaks neck and head because he physically isn't strong enough to support his own head yet.
The bottom left image is the final composite of the top 2 images put together and completely edited. His skin has been cleaned up as he had some milk acne, I've filled in the left side of the blanket where Zak's big sister Zoe was standing while helping to hold the rug up for me and of course, Mummy's supporting hand has been removed too.
The blue image on the right is my own little spin as I know just how much his Mummy LOVED him in baby blue so I thought I'd give her this option to choose from as well by changing the colour in post production.
I hope this answered some questions you may have had or just found it an interesting read to see how it was done.