Holly's First Year - Birth to Cake Smash
I first met Sam, her husband Tony and son Ayden at their Maternity session that doubled as their Birth Photography meeting. Sam was having a terrible day as her much beloved Nan was very ill so we kept everything short and sweet and straight to the point.

Exactly one week before I got the call that Sam was in labour, Sam's Nan passed away. This beautiful woman was like another mother to her and bringing her first born daughter into this world without her Nan was not what anyone wanted to face....But Holly was coming and everyone needed to put their game faces on this big day.

Things started to get real only 90 minutes after my arrival....

Next thing we knew....Holly had arrived and her Daddy got to deliver her!!

In the middle of the chaos and excitement, Sam requested this photo of Holly's hand holding her Nan's pendant....

One request that is on every mothers list when hiring a birth photographer is: If you can, could you please capture my first born child meeting their new sibling for the first time....well this little man smashed it out of the park! We couldn't have planned this! The look of sheer adoration and love on his face meeting his baby sister was priceless!

He was so inquisitive.... but still needed some 'Mummy love' while Daddy had his first hold of baby Holly....

This little family's first unofficial candid family photo....one of my favorites <3

Ayden's First Cuddle

This beautiful midwife delivered both Ayden AND Holly, so when Sam asked her to be in a photo with the both of them she couldn't resist!

<3 First Official Family Photo <3

Hollys newborn session was held in Sams Nan's home. It was the last newborn session I ever did with natural light as I moved over to complete studio light following this.

After Holly's individual photos it was such a beautiful day we decided to do Family Portraits outside and got a beautiful memorial image of Sam's beloved Nan <3

Next Holly came back for her Sitter Session that her Mummy received as a complimentary gift for referring one of her friends to me.

Sam bought Holly's Christening gown to get an official portrait in which was a beautiful idea!

And I got this image of this stunning little face so we HAD to get a matching one of her brother Ayden which they got beautifully framed and hung on their walls <3

Next we have Holly's Dreamcatcher Cake Smash that Sam organised. She also made Holly's cute cake! With all of my sessions we started off with family portraits that were so much fun!

Then we got onto some SMASHING!

With Ayden jumping in to help at the end! LOL!

It was such an absolute privilege to be apart of every step of Holly's journey!